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Butte College's Editorially Independent Student Voice


Butte College's Editorially Independent Student Voice


A newspaper by students, for students.
This picture? Welding and Manufacturing, Butte College, CA. Photo courtesy of Valente Cabrera.

Butte Welding Program

Alexandra Enos, archived writer December 5, 2023

If you've spent time in the Butte College cafeteria, you've probably taken notice of the number of students walking around wearing matching leather outfits and caps on their heads. Students who have...

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Photo by David Menidrey on Unsplash

Dear Readers

Alexandra Enos, archived writer October 24, 2023

Dear Readers, I want to address the students who are scared and unsure during these times. With the conflict happening in the Middle East, and the slight involvement of the United States, I understand...

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Photo by Holly Mindrup on Unsplash

Save Our Allies

Alexandra Enos, archived writer October 24, 2023

We’ve seen a number of wars and altercations between opposing sides within the last few years. While the United States has yet to get directly involved, we have been aiding our allies one way or another....

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One Final Fight

One Final Fight

ALexandra Enos, archived writer September 19, 2023

The UFC is well known for holding world-renowned fights globally, including recent events in Singapore, France, and Australia, never failing to feature some of the best fighters currently in MMA. The...

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