Meet Your Instructor
Best way to reach me: Please use the Canvas Inbox or [email protected]
Phone: (530) 893-7414
Except for office hours, **I check email M-F between 8-5 and respond in less than 24 hours (not counting weekends).
Office hours: On the main campus? drop by and say hi, ask a question or chat a bit. I’m in the Learning Resource Center 331.
Not on campus? just call or email for a quick response.
Virtual: Monday evenings: 7:00 pm – 8:20 pm (rapid response email or Zoom by appt.)
Tuesdays: 1:30 pm to 2:20 pm in LRC 331, (530) 893-7414, or rapid response email
Wednesdays: 9:30 am -10:50 am
Thursdays: 8:00 am – 8:50 am
Fridays: by appt.
**I check email M-F between 8-5 and respond in less than 24 hours (not counting weekends).
Those times don’t work? Email me to schedule an appointment/Zoom that works for you: [email protected]