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Butte College's Editorially Independent Student Voice


Butte College's Editorially Independent Student Voice


A newspaper by students, for students.

Agricultural Communities Timeline

Objective: Students will research and document the historical contributions of a specific agricultural community in Northern California, developing skills in historical research, fact verification, and identifying primary sources.

  • Research one specific agricultural community (Hmong, Mexican, Indigenous, etc.)
    • Create research questions focused on migration patterns, farming practices, and economic impact
    • Identify key research databases and archives
  • Find and verify key historical dates, events, and figures
    • Document 5-7 major historical events/developments
    • Verify dates and facts using multiple sources
    • Create annotated bibliography of sources
  • Create a timeline of major developments
    • Build chronological timeline with verified events
    • Include supporting evidence for each entry
    • Add contextual information about broader agricultural trends
  • Identify primary sources and living community members for interviews
    • List potential interview subjects
    • Locate relevant historical documents
    • Prepare interview questions based on research gaps
  • Deliverables: timeline (try using Knightlab) or research portfolio including source list and potential interview contacts.