Butte College's Editorially Independent Student Voice


Butte College's Editorially Independent Student Voice


A newspaper by students, for students.
fireworks at july 4th washington D.C

Fourth of July Celebrations : Then and Now

Andrew Vojta, Staff Writer July 3, 2024

The Fourth of July, the day of Independence in America, is usually marked with parades, fireworks, grill cookouts, and spending time with friends and family. July 4, 2024, will be 248 years since...

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Dome building. October 19, 2023. Originally posted:>Dave Herring on Unsplash

History of the Palestinian Jewish Conflict

A historical perspective provided by Dr. Joe Krulder, Ph.D., Cultural and Social Historian
Dr. Joe Krulder, Ph.D., faculty contributor October 24, 2023

World War One was pivotal in shaping events in what is today, Israel and Gaza. Prior to the war, Palestine fell under the purview of the Ottoman Empire which had held it for centuries. But the Ottomans...

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