The Ancient Customs of Love
Huichu Kuakari, an Indigenous elder of the Mesoamerican Purépecha community, seeks to preserve traditions.
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Lover’s Point Beach in Pacific Grove, California
This photo was taken at Lover’s Point Beach in Pacific Grove, California on 10/22/22. This was the first time the photographer had ever seen the ocean in person.
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Karina’s Secret Garden
Inspired be a favorite childhood book, "The Secret Garden," the writer contemplates the difference between a neighborhood and a home.
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Life After “The Roadrunner”
Former editor-n-chief and sports writer Dillon Longmire now working as a local journalist.
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Art in Downtown Chico
October is National Arts & Humanities Month, but Chico quietly celebrates art year-round.
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Butte College’s International Center – Where Many Nations Become One
Rachel Wood’s International Student Program provides a home away from home for many students.
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Microplastics creating macro-problems
Microplastics have been linked to hormone disruption, microbiome disruption, and inflammatory response, and many cosmetic users unknowingly put these microplastics on their faces.
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Fighting Fire Before it Burns: A Look at Butte County Fire Safe Council
As students and faculty that live in communities that are often faced with devastating wildfires, it is important that we conduct individual research on the entities that are offering services to become more fire resistant.
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A Rip-roaring Return to Form for Reynolds
Deadpool’s consistency is compounded by a typically raucous, gripping watch
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