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Train Wreck

Rey Quigley in Long Beach Ca, Taken by Justin Stock
Rey Quigley in Long Beach Ca, Taken by Justin Stock

among every busy, fatiguing day, awaited the hour commute back home


the shaky ride, the people watching, the pungent smell that stung the nose


no matter how many times she rode the train


despite the uneasiness that came with the ride,


it was a time of decompression


headphones on, but not too loud in case someone approached,


the scrolling, catching up on texts and notifications,

Metro A in La taken by Journalism Club

the pondering of what to eat when the ride ended, the eagerness of seeing her black cat,


who very much so awaited her return


but when those things came to an end and she still had 35 minutes left of her ride


the thoughts crept in, a moody song queuing just in time to fit the headspace


the sinking feeling of loneliness, pulling her deep, no matter how many people surrounded her


scenes of the city whirling by outside the train windows,


sun setting, casting running shadows on every surface


the thoughts always became too much during this time


threatening her to surrender to them


by the end of the ride, it had always felt as if she had been in a train wreck

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