“Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening” is a hack-and-slash action video game published by Capcom, originally released in 2005. It is known for its fast-paced, stylish combat, variety of weapons, and memorable characters.

Being a prequel set several years before the original “Devil May Cry”, it focuses on a younger Dante who is a half-devil/human hybrid who operates a paranormal investigation agency of the same name. Following the abrupt appearance of demons at his office, Dante gears up with his trusty sword and handguns to fight his way out into the city streets. An ancient gothic tower emerges from the underground, prompting him to investigate.
Traversing various monster-filled hallways, he discovers this incident was incited by his brother, Vergil, in an attempt to attain the power of their demonic father. After an encounter with the Cerberus demon, Dante becomes acquainted with a young woman (later given the name “Lady”) whose seeking revenge Arkham, her father, who has aligned himself with Vergil. He later reaches the peak of the tower and duels against his brother, only to be defeated. Yet, Dante’s dormant demon powers allow him to revive and continue.
Regarding the typical gameplay loop, players have three main mechanics to dabble with. Melee weapons range from Rebellion, Dante’s personal longsword, and even an electric guitar that literally shoots out lightning bolts! Dante is also equipped with his usual dual-wielded pistols, along with higher-powered ranged weapons such as a rocket launcher that can be unlocked later. The “Devil Trigger” mechanic allows Dante to transform into his demon form, if its respective gauge is filled to a certain extent. This boosts his damage potential and provides an increase of speed to attacks while it is active.
Along with that, the Style system influences playstyle based on the one chosen. “Trickster” allows for quicker dodges and mobility. “Swordmaster” and “Gunmaster” affect melee and ranged weapons respectively by adding another specific attack. And finally, “Royalguard” blocks against any enemy damage if timed correctly. Unlike the later games in the series which allow for switching Styles at will, only one can be equipped at a given time in the original release.
Primarily set within the ancient tower, the level design is representative of dreary gothic architecture. Traversing through the long, winding halls and large chambers does require some backtracking, as key items to open new paths often found in earlier areas. However, in the later half, there were two missions that had some tedious platforming sections, involving moving gears and boxes, which dragged everything to a halt for a bit.
Being the protagonist of the series, Dante is quite over-the-top during cutscenes and is exciting to play as. Vergil acts in a calm and collected manner, even during his combat encounters, often gaining the upper hand with ease. This game also serves as Lady’s introduction to the storyline, showing her confronting Arkham about his past and working toward becoming a new version of herself.
Overall, “Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening” was a great hack-and-slash gaming experience. Key highlights were the combat experience against demonic creatures, memorable cast of characters, and the unique array of weapons.