Come to Downtown Oroville and join the community for family-friendly fun to jump-start the holiday season on November 23, 2024, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at Montgomery Street.
As the last remnants of pumpkin spice lattes leave the air, and peppermint mocha takes over, the feel of fall has been replaced with winter; pumpkins on the door are gone, and in their place are the inflatable reindeer and snowmen–it’s Christmas time in America.
Oroville’s historic downtown goes all out and transforms into a Christmas wonderland with decorated stores and all-ages events and performances, including a snow and bake sale.
Stores downtown will be offering deals and refreshments.
Things to do at the event:
- Snow: snow will be on and off during the event on Myers and Montgomery St. according to the website.
- Free Face Painting for Kids: Face Painting will be set up in front of TinyHinies at 1977 Montgomery St.
- Craft Faire: which will have handmade and gift items for sale inside the Gray Nurse at 1359 Huntoon St.
- Bake Sale: feast on the sweets for sale at the entrance of Prospectors Alley at 1440 Myers St.
- Performances: Northern California Ballet dancers perform in shop windows along Bird and Myers.
- Carriage Rides: Just like in the movies get ready for a magical time that all will remember from the children to the parents and those on a date or even a platonic stroll through the downtown wonderland or Oroville. The line starts at Miners Alley in front of the Gray Nurse building at 1359 Huntoon St. Children under 2 are free, those 2-17 are 5 dollars and Adults are 8 dollars a ticket.
The Great Zambini will be performing magic and making balloon animals in Miners’ Alley, and the Oroville LP Quartet will perform under the State Theater Markee.

Come join the fun and be a part of a community it’s a good time to experience the beautiful downtown area of Oroville and interact with the neighbors, family, and friends.
“We love the event and come with the family every year, the kids love the face painting and we love just getting out and being around the community,” said Josh and Sabrina who live in Oroville.

If you miss this one there is still the tree lighting event and the parade of lights that are coming up in the first two weeks of December.