Golden Roadrunner Egg Challenge is happening at the Butte College Main Campus from Monday, August 26, 2024, to Friday, August 30, 2024.

The Event is hosted by Butte College Welcome Weeks and the Office of Student Life.

If you are a new or returning student, then this event is for you.
As part of our (Butte College) efforts to welcome you to campus we (faculty) have created the Golden Roadrunner Egg Challenge, on the first day of school, departments and programs will hide golden eggs somewhere on campus. Eggs may be hidden in buildings, along paths, or right In plain sight, each egg will contain the location of the department it belongs to, if you find an egg, return it to the department and win an amazing item, according to the BC Connect page.

This is a good opportunity for new students and even returning students to get to know each other, interact with one another, and expose themselves to other departments in the college you may or may not have otherwise.
Free prizes are awarded for each egg found.
Come be a part of the Roadrunner spirit.