Since mid-April we have seen universities from coast-to-coast light up in violent protests.
The protest at Chapel Hill kickstarted at least 30 states to have similar demonstrations with similar results; some were shut down rather quickly while some were allowed to rage for days on end. Upwards of 2,200 students and non-students have been arrested in these protests nationwide.
On Tuesday, May 2, 2024, as the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill flew the American Flag at half mass in honor of four Charlotte police officers who were killed on Monday, Pro-Hamas protesters reportedly took down the flag as part of their demonstrations at the college that day. The PI Kappa Phi Fraternity members reportedly stepped in and protected Ol’ Glory. Many labelled the protection of the flag as heroic.

Student Alex Jones, a member of PI Kappa Phi, also added, “I recognize the pain and suffering experienced by both sides of that conflict. But my decision yesterday to protect the flag of the United States was not about any other nation. It was simply about the importance of our country and the values we believe in.”
Jones also noted “I believe in the right to free speech and peaceful protest. I am honored to give back to the nation that has given and my family countless opportunities. I owe everything to the hard work my parents and this great nation, and I am proud to be among those who stood up for it yesterday. I am proud to be an American”.
The video of them protecting the American Flag has since gone viral. A GoFundMe account has amassed over 500,000 dollars, which will go to funding a “rager” for the frat boys and then go to charities of their choices.
The frat boys have been overwhelmed by the support around the country and have gone on many interviews on cable news to show their gratitude. Country singer John Rich has offered to give a free concert, calling it FlagStock. A date for so called “FlagStock” has not been confirmed.
With so much going on in the college world, this story offers a bit hope within such chaos.