Before getting a job working fast food, no one warns you about the crazy s*** that happens, and trust me, it’s crazy! From cars catching on fire to people walking behind the counter, outrageous things happen almost every shift. Lucky for me, I’m always in the center of the hurricane when this happens.
A few months ago, as I was arriving for work, I noticed a car parked outside of our store that looked a bit crispy. I didn’t think much of it until I clocked in and was told about how the car had caught fire in our drive-thru. Apparently my coworkers were told that they could not loan the driver the fire extinguisher, so they provided the next best thing… water! The driver had to splash his car and push it out of the way. He ended up not even getting food.
Then, a few weeks later, there was an impatient old man who ordered a coffee. I took his order, and he seemed to be in a rush, but we didn’t have fresh coffee so I explained that we needed to brew some. He said okay so I began brewing the new pot. After about three minutes, I gave him his fresh-brewed coffee but he walked off.
This past weekend I walked into our store, and it smelt like I was walking into a sewer. I noticed our bathrooms were closed off so I asked and was told the following: A large woman had entered our bathroom and apparently broke the toilet just by sitting on it. By sitting on the toilet… so, of course, the toilet water started going everywhere and the repulsive smell filled the air. The smell was so bad I could smell it over our food. Hopefully, our bathrooms get fixed soon! To that woman who broke the toilet, I hate you.