What’s up Roadrunners!
Happy spring semester to everyone and if anyone is graduating, congrats–we made it!
If you are new here, hi, I’m Liz Heaton, your 2023-2024 student trustee, and I am here to represent you in the college-decision making process. I sit on the Board of Trustees for you, and share the student perspective. The rest of our student government here at Butte College sits on the other committees that make decisions here at the college. Go look at this link and it will all make more sense .
I do these reports to make sure you, as a student, understand what’s happening at the college, especially about issues affecting us students. If you ever have something that you would like to change at Butte College, let the student government know. You can email me at [email protected] anytime!
To the meeting–there was a retreat before the meeting, which is basically just a study session where the board members learn more about the college through presentations from our vice presidents.
Can you guess the name of any of our vice presidents? there are 3—vice president of administration, student services, and instruction. Their names are Andy Suleski (administration), Brad Zuniga (student services), and Eric Shearer (instruction). The most notable things from the retreat are that Butte College is trying to create an alumni association which is cool! This is so we, as Butte students, can share our experiences. The association finds donors for local scholarships.
More classes are going to start being offered at the Glenn Center, and at all of the campuses more non-credit courses are being added for community enrichment.
Also, I did you know 12 units isn’t technically full time anymore? Students taking over 12 units and more like 15 units are found to be more successful in their classes, and here at Butte, the amount of financial aid significantly increases compared to those students taking fewer units. This new change is called Dash or opt out scheduling.
At the actual meeting, we approved out of state travel for the Phi Theta Kappa Catalyst Convention and for the Ag Leadership Club. There was also a resolution for the approval of an ongoing grant for the Child Development Center, so we might see more coming from over there.
Plus, breaking news–I got my advisory vote which means that after discussion, the student trustee’s vote is cast first, then everyone else on the board votes. More power to the students!
ALSO… it’s that time again; elections are coming up soon! Click this link to apply for student government! https://butte.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/470882. You also can get paid to be mentored by any of our current student gov members so act fast!
Becoming a part of student government also means you receive a staff parking pass, free swag and lots of free food, get to create events for students on campus (CAN BE ANYTHING!) and to travel to meet other student leaders from the other 116 community colleges, and the position is great for resume/potential letters of rec.
Thank you for listening to my board report, and I’ll see ya’ll next month!
Liz Heaton