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Photo by Hobi industri on Unsplash
Photo by Hobi industri on Unsplash

Bus Diaries


People say the world is a crazy place and honestly, they’re fucking right! I have been riding the Glenn ride for about eight weeks and god do I hate public transportation. Every time I get off the Butte College bus, I feel annoyed about getting the Glenn Ride (besides the friendly bus driver). I hate the ride home. If the amount of stuff that happened on the Glenn Ride were the same way on the Butte bus, shit I’d be writing about that too.

 I have a friend who I ride the bus with, and she and I usually sit with her to talk about classes or what not. Recently though I missed the bus, so I ended up having to miss class, so, as a good friend, I texted, “Hey I won’t be going to class today” and, as one good friend to another, she responded, “you b****.” Abandoning someone on the bus is not a friend move.

Anyways, I go on about my day and later, in the afternoon, I receive a text from her saying “A guy from work recognized me…” I was like “Cool good for you?” She then proceeds to tell me that this man had the audacity to write his number down and say “Text me.” To which she just nodded and attempted to go upon her day. Everything was fine until he looks at her and goes “Why haven’t you text me yet” to which she responds, “I don’t have good service right now” and he just nodded then got off and wished her a good day. 

Sometime in the following week the man got on the bus and stared at us, so my friend and I tried to not make eye contact with him. 

That same week as I waited for the bus, another man walks up, right behind me to the point where I can feel his breath, and asks me about the bus schedule. It was so weird. I was uncomfortable but told him what time the bus got there and then he walked away. 

Weeks later, yet another man starts showing me videos of dogs. So, I walked away but he followed me, still wanting to show me videos of the dogs as if he’s a little kid on an iPad.

Another time it was a woman that acted strangely. She walked up and asked about my shirt, which is of the band Kiss, so we began chatting then out of nowhere she casually says, “I did acid once and I’ve never been the same.” 

During another ride, a man and woman were arguing as their voices literally echoed across the bus. The woman says, “I’m going to break up with you d***head, is this our stop?” He then pinches her, to which she moves seats and pulls the rope to stop the bus. They both get off and walk away, clearly still arguing. He then slaps her as the Glenn Ride drove away. I couldn’t help but feel bad for her. 

Violence within relationships is never good. If you or anyone you know is going through something like that make sure you reach out for help. Tell a friend, a teacher, or a coworker. Try to get out of the situation before it gets worse! If things escalate to a point where you or someone you know feels unsafe call 911. You can also call the national hotline for domestic abuse: 800-799-7233. Or, contact Butte College’s Safe Place inside the Student Health Clinic or online

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