Guess who’s back, back again…your student trustee!
The last Board of Trustees meeting was Wednesday, October 11 on the 3rd floor of the SAS building. New faculty and classified staff members were introduced to the board by our Vice President of Student Services Brad Zuniga and Vice President of Instruction Erik Shearer. For celebration purposes, a brief 10-minute recess was given to eat cookies and meet-and-greet with the new staff.
I took my recess time to chat with Chief Carlson, our Butte College Chief of Police, who reminded me that Butte is hiring Community Service Officers which is a great opportunity for criminal justice students and or anyone wanting to gain experience in the field. These are non-sworn department members who work with our campus police officers to patrol district property, respond to medical calls, perform parking enforcement, and write incident reports among other duties. Apply online by searching “Butte College Community Service Officer.”
When the meeting resumed, each senate chair and vice president gave their reports.
Interesting fact: did you know there’s a president’s box above the stadium at the football field and that the president of our college, Virginia Guleff, usually attends home games?
My student trustee report mentioned how our student government just approved over $10,000 in club travel requests. If you are in the Adventure Club, Drama Club, Gallery Club, STEM Club, or International Club, we gave you money for your trips!
Our whole student government is also attending a conference in San Francisco at the end of October to learn how to better represent our students. If you want to travel and learn about student advocacy, consider joining the Butte College student government.
The board also approved 8+ contracts with outside agencies. These contracts are vital to maintaining our college, and I was grateful to be a part of the approval. The board also approved a Dual Enrollment Partnership Agreement with Hamilton High school that allows students at Hamilton High to take some additional approved courses that count towards Butte College.
After the meeting, a student rose from the audience, and addressed the board about a recent situation that had occurred between Human Resources and the Dining services. It’s important to remind faculty and staff of student experiences on campus, and the Associated Students plan to support the students that were affected by Livescan changes.
Students, we encourage you to come to these meetings! If you ever have something that you want to say to the board, please speak during the public comment portion of the meeting. There are 2 opportunities for public comment–one in the beginning of the meeting, and one before the “Items of Business” section. Or, come to the Office of Student Life, Campus Center 145, if you have any questions about speaking at college meetings.
By the way, our Board Retreat is Thursday 10/23, where the board will be discussing some important changes to come. I’ll report back next month.
Finally—a last chance reminder! Butte college students can win one of two, $100 dining services gift cards by completing our Student Government Survey!

This survey allows our student government to better understand the student population which allows us to better represent students! Please make sure to provide your Butte College email and answer the multiple choice questions.
The last question asks, “If you could have anything at Butte College, what would it be?” If there is a class not offered at Butte, a student service, a club or program, anything! Let us know.
Our student government will be overviewing all responses throughout November. The survey will close Friday, November 3. Winners will be announced and contacted Monday, November 6. Check the Student Life Instagram for updates.
Stay safe for Halloween and stay strong for week 10,
Liz Heaton