Andrew Vojta
Bedrock Park closed sign and fenced in to block public access
Bedrock Park in Oroville has been temporarily closed for maintenance and repairs, a chain link fence has been wrapped around the park blocking the public from accessing the park.

A fire that happened a couple of years back near the public bathroom in the park, damaged the irrigation system and the lighting, which officials say is why the park was dark at night and the grass was not being watered.
Officials hope to have the park reopened in the fall.
Bedrock bike and skate park is still open to the public.

Park and other city officials also mentioned the greater presence of homeless people at the park and want to bring the park back to its potential it has and have it safe for families and children to come and enjoy without fear according to ABC7.

Trails from Bedrock Park to the bathhouse by the hatchery are still open to the public.

Bedrock Park is a lush 3.75-acre area along the Feather River, the park offers swimming in the river, a trail by the river which you can reach Riverbend Park and Centennial Plaza by foot or bike, picnic areas, fishing, bleachers for events, and adjacent to the park is the tennis courts.
Bedrock Park is in downtown Oroville, close to Riverbend Park, stores, and near the Chinese Temple.