Eston Conley
Fire fighting Aircraft on The Bar Fire.
On June 27, 2024, just days after the Destructive Apache Fire in Palermo, another fire sparked to life in Butte County.
The fire, referred to as the ”Bar Fire,” started at 4:03 pm and was burned the area of Lakeland Blvd. and Long Bar Road in Oroville, California before burning towards the Thermalito Diversion Pool and Lake Oroville.
With natural breaks to the north and east of the fire, the responding fire crews and assisting aircraft were able to get a firm handle on it and began knocking it down.
As of 6:58 pm the Bar Fire was holding at 35 acres with zero containment and there are no current evacuation warnings or orders however power is out in several areas near the fire.
As always be sure to pay close attention to updates from local emergency personnel and authority as this is still an emergent situation that can and may change as quickly as the wind can shift.